What we do……
IoT Portal and Applications
MConnected have a specialist software division, and we work with local government organisations such as Sunderland Software City to vet and promote the latest talent in software portal and app development.
In projects past and present, MConnected have moved a lot of data. With the assistance of data analysts we have made this data relevant to our clients.
The MConnected data specialists have now created predictive analytic algorithms which add an extra dimension to the secure client data we generate.
This Quantium leap will lead MConnected into the Artificial Intelligence era.
Printed Electronics and Sensors
Not only do we analyse data and make it in to easily understandable formats for various operations, MConnected operate on the edge, specialising in printable electronics and sensors.
Our sensors have been tried and tested in various environments, from tracking exam papers and pharmaceuticals, to high value spirits and engine parts.
Cutting edge developments enable us to understand the environment your product has been exposed to, with new advancements in printed sensors.
Cellular and Satellite Connectivity
In this rapidly advancing digital age, the data we create needs to be moved around the globe in some way shape or form.
MConnected have the ability to offer their clients complete global coverage using methods with the lowest cost or the highest security.
Our strategic partners in satellite communication are key to MConnected offering this complete IoT solution.